Loft ladder accessories

Pööningutrepi lisatarvikud

Ava piire LXB-U

Loft balustrade LXB-U

Piire kaitseb pööningul ava, muutes pööningu kasutamise turvalisemaks ning redelile laskumise mugavamaks. LXB-U paigaldatakse otse pööningukorruse põrandale ning see sobib igat tüüpi pööninguluugiga.


Viimistlusliistud LXL

Apdares līstes ir paredzētas griestu un kāpņu lūkas savienojuma vietas nosegšanai. Līstes izgatavo no priedes koksnes dabīgā tonī (LXL-P) vai baltā tonī (LXL-W), vai no plastikāta (līstes LXL-PVC). To piestiprināšana ir ātra un ērta un rada kāpnēm estētisku un pabeigtu izskatu. Līstes LXL-PVC ir baltā tonī* un tās domātas bēniņu kāpnēm, kuras izgatavotas, sākot no 2010. gada marta (izņemot kāpnes LWF). To montāžai nevajag izmantot naglas.

LXL-P/-W līstes pieejamas kāpnēm LWS, LWK, LTK, LWT, LWF, LDK, LMS, LMK
Baltas LXL-PVC līstes pieejamas kāpnēm LWS, LWK, LTK, LWT, LDK, LMS, LMK










* līstes krāsa var nedaudz atšķirties no stūru un kārbas vāka krāsas


The LXL-Invisible linings allow for discreet installation and concealment loft ladders in the ceiling. Thanks to the use of linings, the ladder box remains invisible. There is no need to install architrave linings masking the gaps, and the loft ladder hatch is hidden in the ceiling. The use of a discrete assembly system allows for an aesthetic and minimalistic interior finish. Installation of LXL -Invisible linings with loft ladders should be done before finishing the ceiling with plasterboards


Pööningutrepi lisatarvikud    Pööningutrepi lisatarvikud    Pööningutrepi lisatarvikud


Viimistlusliistud LXA-W - pühendatud treppidele GREENSTEP

Līstes LXA-W ir izgatavotas no balti krāsota priedes koka. Tās ir pieejamas divos platumos: 4,6 un 6 cm. Platākas līstes būs piemērotas tiem, kuri nolemj nomainīt kāpnes un vēlas viegli un ātri nomaskēt lielāku plaisu vai defektus griestos, kas palikuši pēc kāpņu demontāžas. Atkarībā no izmēra līstes var nosegt 2 cm (LXA-W 4,6 cm) vai 3,5 cm (LXA-W 6 cm) lielu spraugu.


Akcesoria do schodów segmentowych    Akcesoria do schodów segmentowych


Redeli tallad LXS

Stile ends LXS

Redeli tallad annavad redelile esteetilise välimuse ja tänu kindlale vormile, tagavad stabiilsuse.

Redeli tallad LXS-W

Stile ends LXS

Silver stile ends are compatible with wooden ladders. They are an alternative to the LXS model, giving the option to adjust the length of the cut ladder. Moreover, stile ends protect the ladder stringers against damage. Applying a rubber cap allowed to prevent the floor from scratching and increased the comfort of use.


  • Improved ladder stability
  • Aesthetic appearance of the loft ladder
  • Emergency solution for the customer in the event the ladder has been cut too much
  • Protection of the ladder stringers against damage
  • Protection of the floor against scratches by applying a rubber cap
  • Option to correct the ladder length, for example, when the floor thickness has been changed
    Option to extend the ladder by 86mm*

*Maximum extension depends on the loft ladder size and room height.

Redeli tallad LXS-M

Stile ends LXS

Black stile ends are compatible with metal ladders. They improve the ladder stability, while the application of a rubber cap prevents the floor from scratching. Stile ends are an emergency solution, for example when the ladder has been cut to match or the floor thickness has been changed.


  • Improved ladder stability
  • Aesthetic appearance of the loft ladder
  • Emergency solution for the customer in the event the ladder has been cut too much
  • Protection of the ladder stringers against damage
  • Protection of the floor against scratches by applying a rubber cap
  • Option to correct the ladder length, for example, when the floor thickness has been changed
    Option to extend the ladder by 76mm*

* Maximum extension depends on the loft ladder size and room height.

Unloading mechanism LXM

Handrail LXH

The unloading mechanism supports folding and unfolding of the ladder, thus contributing to improved comfort and safe of use. The loft ladder can be operated by means of a control rod (opening and closing the hatch, folding and unfolding of the ladder). Available for the following loft ladders: 3-section wooden (LXM 3), 4-section wooden (LXM 4) and with a metal ladder (LXM-M). The LXM mechanism can be installed on the left or right side of the ladder (fitted on the opposite side of the LXH handrail).

Käsipuu LXH

Handrail LXH

Metallist käsipuu teeb redelil liikumise lihtsamaks, mugavamaks ja turvalisemaks.

Handrail LXH-A

Handrail LXH

The LXH-A handrail improves the comfort and safety of access to the loft. Mounted to the floor near the ceiling opening, makes every trip up and down the attic easier. For installation on the right and on the left side of the opening

Karbi kõrgendus LXN

Box extension LXN

Valmistatud männipuidust ja sobib hästi juba paigaldatud luugiga ühendamiseks. Standardkõrgus 10 cm, maksimaalne ebastandardne kõrgus LDK pööninguredeli puhul on 16cm ja teistel 20cm.


Lisaluuk LXW

Upper hatch LXW

Lisaluuk kaitseb luuki ja redelit sellele koguneva tolmu eest. See parandab luugi soojapidavust ja tihedust. Lisaluugi kõrgus on 20 cm.


Käepide LXZ

Handle LXZ

LXZ käepide võimaldab sulgeda lisaluuki LXW pööningu poolt. Näiteks pööningukorrusel teostavate tööde ajaks.


Lisaaste LXT

Additional tread LXT

Lisaaste teeb redelil ronimise lihtsamaks ning lisab ohutust. Lisaastme kasutamine on soovitatav kui pööningutrepp paigaldatakse paksemasse vahelakke. LXT lisaaste paigaldatakse redeli viimase astme ja ülemise korruse põranda vahelelisele alale. Lisaastme standardlaius on 30m.


Paigalduskomplekt LXK

Installation brackets LXK

Paigalduskomplekt võimaldab luuki kiirelt ja täpselt laega ühele tasandile paigaldada. Sobib kasutamiseks vahelaepaksusega kuni 35 cm, välja arvatud LTK mudeli puhul, kus vahelae paksus võib olla kuni 43 cm


Assembly kit LXK-D

Installation brackets LXK

The LXK-D assembly kit simplifies and improves the installation of LML loft ladders to the ceiling, on which the DRL hatch has already been installed. Installation in ceilings with a thickness of min. 38cm, maximum 50cm.

Insulation kit LXD

Insulation kit LXD

The insulation kit provides tight insulation between the box of the mounted ladder and the
opening in the ceiling, thereby allowing a” warm assembly” essential in energy-efficient and
passive construction. The kit includes: air tight collar, insulation material (sheep wool blocks)
and the air-permeable collar.


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